New Blog Announcement

I have a new blog! But you already know that if you're here.

While I produce games under the tagline The Dolent City, I think every city needs a good paper. While I used to have a Substack, I decided that I didn’t want to support them and also that I wanted more control over the implementation of my blog. I built this thing from the ground up (which is why it’s missing some features).

I intend to post RPG articles, essays, and news here regularly. If that interests you, bookmark the site and share links with friends.

If you have an RSS reader and want to get updates for new posts, you can find the relevant file here: RSS.xml.

Lastly, I’ll give a quick tour in case you’re wondering how to use the site. The main page has a list of the most recent posts, but you can also find posts by selecting a tag on that page. To ease your eyes, select a light or dark theme and the site should remember every time you visit. I plan to add a full-site text search soon, and possibly comments or a newsletter in the future.

The Dolent Chronicle is an RPG blog produced by Dante Nardo. If you liked this post, please consider sharing it on whatever doomed planes you reside.